If you will be out of office for a significant period and need to designate another employee as a delegate for your accounts, you will need to use the Account Delegate Global form.
Note: The form will go through several levels of approvals, including the VP of University Operations. Ensure that you submit the form with adequate lead time.
Adding Secondary Delegate
Completing Account Delegate Form
- Login to Kuali
- Open the Account Delegate Global form.
Note: You can use the Jump To... search box
or add the screen to your Favorites with the gearbutton.
Document Overview
- Enter Description. For example: “Update Account Delegates for [yourname]”
Edit Global Delegate
- Document Type Name = KFS
Note: This document type covers all Kuali documents - Account Delegate Primary Route = [leave blank]
Note: Sets delegate as primary delegate - Account Delegate Start Date = [date you want delegate to have access to your accounts]
- Account Delegate Principal Name = [employee you want to setup as your secondary delegate]
- Approval From This Amount = [leave blank]
- Approval To This Amount = [leave blank]
Note: If both the From Amount and To Amount fields are blank, then the delegate is authorized to take action on the designated documents without any dollar limit. - Click Add
Edit List of Accounts
- Chart Code = [most likely CO - Colorado State University]
Note: If you are unsure, please consult with your supervisor or fiscal officer. - Account Number = [account number you are granting the delegate access to]
- Repeat adding accounts as needed
Submitting Form
- Click Submit at the bottom of the Account Delegate Global form.
Note: The form will go through several levels of approvals, including the VP of University Operations. Ensure that you submit the form with adequate lead time.
Removing Secondary Delegate
Edit Account Delegates
- Login to Kuali
- Open the Account Delegate Lookup form.
Note: You can use the Jump To... search box
or add the screen to your Favorites with the gearbutton.
- Enter Account Number you need to remove a delegate from in the Account Number field.
- Find the secondary delegate in the search results and click edit link in Actions column.
- In the Edit Account Delegate section, remove the checkmark from the Account Delegate Active checkbox.
- Click Submit