This article will serve as a quick reference guide to which login credentials are necessary for various software/programs necessary for day-to-day work.
Your password for all below logins will be your NetID password unless otherwise noted.
How do I log into...
My Facilities computer/laptop
Username: First initial last name (e.g. John Smith -> JSmith)
Note: The username will be first initial last name in most cases*. However, certain users who have the same first initial and last name as another user will add their middle initial. Contact the IT Helpdesk if you are unsure of what your Facilities username is.
Your Facilities password is different from your NetID password. When you change your NetID password, your Facilities login password will remain the same unless you change it as well.
*If you are a CUSTODIAN I or a STUDENT HOURLY, your username will be colostate\NetID and your NetID password.
Adobe Acrobat
Username: [email protected]
Username: NetID
Username: [email protected]
csu-net Wi-Fi
Username: NetID
HR Portal/AAR/TimeClock Plus
Username: NetID
Username: NetID
NetID Website
Username: NetID
Username: [email protected]
Username: NetID
Outlook/Teams (Or any Microsoft Suite product)
Username: [email protected]
Username: [email protected]