Occasionally, you may run into odd website or AiM errors which can be fixed by clearing out old data in your web browser's cache. You can do so in any browser with the following steps, using Google Chrome as an example:

You can quickly open the browser data settings in your browser with the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Delete.

This function can also be found by navigating to your browser's settings, though it will be in different places depending on the browser. The three most common are shown below:




In Chrome, the following page will appear:

If you do not want your browser history to be deleted, you can uncheck that box. The important options to leave checked are Cookies and Cached images and files.

Click Delete data, and then close and reopen your browser.

NOTE: This action will delete website data and cookies, which will often remove autofill suggestions, browsing history, etc. from certain websites. You may find that you are signed out from some or all sites after clearing the cache.